Episode 59 - 'Encounter' Ep. 9-12

We are back with our third week of ‘Encounter’ where we review episodes 9-12 of this ever-evolving drama! Join us as we groan at all the product placements then immediately turn around and talk about Subway for five minutes (for zero sponsorship dollars because we are fools).

Episode 58 - 'Encounter' Ep. 5-8

We are back with another episode of ‘Encounter’ this week! Join us as we delve into episodes 5 through 8 and discuss everything from ratchet (yes, we are bringing back “ratchet”) masks to overabundant flashbacks to good pasta.

Episode 57 - 'Encounter' Ep. 1-4

We're diving into a new K drama this week! Welcome to ‘Encounter’ which features the most beautiful leads we’ve ever seen, two of the craziest moms of any drama out there, and a few good good side characters all living in a magical, early-2000’s Indie movie. If you haven’t watched this one yet we can’t recommend it enough. Go watch the first four episodes of ‘Encounter’ and join us here for our review!

We also have a new look! We’re excited to start a new chapter in our podcast journey and have decided to re-brand to represent ourselves more. The only things that are changing are the cover art and website so you can still expect the same great content as always from us. We hope you enjoy our new “bus stop girls” cover art and share the word about our podcast with your drama-loving friends!

Episode 52 - 'Touch Your Heart' Ep. 9-10

We're back to review more 'Touch Your Heart', but we've pulled a fast one on you! This week we are only covering episodes 9-10, because, as usual, we had a lot to say and we wanted to say it all. So listen here as we talk about easter eggs that went right over Raquel's head, a distinct lack of actual legal drama, and fashion.

Episode 51 - 'Touch Your Heart' Ep. 5-8

Emily and Raquel are back with a second week reviewing 'Touch Your Heart'! We are thrilled to be talking about another legal drama because nothing gets us more excited than pretending to know literally anything about Korean Law! Watch episodes 5-8 and then come on over here to listen to us use very cool terms like 'legal precedent' and 'verdict' then pretty much give up and gossip about fictional office romances.