Episode 67 - 'Lovely Horribly' Ep. 1-8

We are back just in time for Halloween with one of our spookiest dramas to date: ‘Lovely Horribly’! This drama is a fun, mysterious, and gnarly throwback to the dramas of yore where every little thing did not have to be perfect and we are so here for it. Watch the first eight (30-minute) episodes and join us here for our review!

Episode 66 - 'Her Private Life' Bonus Episode

This week we come to the end of the sweet drama ‘Her Private Life’ and we are here to give you all our feelings and, more importantly, read and weigh-in on everyone else’s feelings. We take a deep-dive into our shallow pool of knowledge and explain how time works, how fate works, and even how babies are made. And if you thought that after 16 hours of this drama that we would know the names of the characters, you are in for a neat surprise!

Episode 65 - 'Her Private Life' Ep. 13-16

We did it! We finished another lovely, adorable, hilarious drama and for some asinine reason spent most of our podcast over-analyzing the weird parts instead of just basking in its goodness. In all honesty, we loved ‘Her Private Life’ and through its ups and downs we really did enjoy it. Please bear with us as we tear it apart; we don’t know why we’re like this.

Also, we got another co-host (aka, Raquel’s roommates got a doggo) named Aspen and she is a barker. Really sorry about the noise pollution on this one; we promise it will get better in the future as she settles in.

Episode 64 - 'Her Private Life' Ep. 9-12

What a turnaround this week! Your favorite hosts are back to review the next four episodes of ‘Her Private Life’ and everything has changed. (But mostly just their attitudes towards the show.) Also, if you’ve waited longingly for the day when Emily and Raquel finally give an analysis of world-class paintings, here it is. They bring their trademark eloquence to the table for this discussion of yet another topic they know nothing about. Watch episodes 9 through 12 and join us here for our breakdown, then get involved and contact us on Twitter, iTunes, or e-mail us directly at playonkpodcast@gmail.com and let us know what you think!

Episode 62 - 'Her Private Life' Ep. 1-4

We started a new drama this week! In this episode, we dive into the wonderful world of ‘Her Private Life’ where the actors are stunning, the animations and sound design are on point, and the tertiary characters are… meh. Go watch the first four episodes and then join us here as we nitpick our least favorite parts, overshare our personal lives, and gush over this gem of a show.

Introduction Episode 2.0

It has been a few years since Raquel and Emily started Play on K, so we thought it was high time to record a new introduction episode where we aren’t huddled around one $20 microphone in Emily’s dad’s basement rambling on about how much we love Korean dramas. We are real adults now who moved out, bought our own mics and live halfway across the world from each other. And now when we rave about K-dramas people listen. Why? We’re not quite sure. Whether you like us or like K-dramas or just want to make a couple awkward friends, join us every week as we cover four episodes of a drama and talk about everything we’re unqualified to cover from character development to cinematography to fashion.

Email: playonkpodcast@gmail.com

Website: playonk.com

Twitter: @playonk

iTunes: Play on K

Episode 61 - 'Encounter' Bonus Episode

We have made it to the final chapter in this heartwarming love story called ‘Encounter’. Join us as we count the ways in which we loved this drama, misuse big words, and try to steal credit for all of your eloquent reviews. This extra-special bonus episode also has lots of toe-tapping in the background courtesy of our third host, Raquel’s dog, Maurice.

Episode 60 - 'Encounter' Ep. 13-16

We did it! We finally finished this beautiful, slow-burning show and are so excited to share our thoughts with you all! Go watch episodes 13 - 16 and join us here as we decide how important each character was to the story, struggle to pronounce Hye In, and plan Raquel’s dream wedding! Then leave a comment on our website (playonk.com), send us a message on Twitter (@playonk), email us (playonkpodcast@gmail.com) and rate, review and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes! Thank you as always to James Hevel for our theme song.